Rubellux Battleaxe

Server: Midgardsormr

Last Updated: 6/25/23 2:55:48 AM
Search Category: Marauder's Arms | Item Category: Marauder's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

4 1,013,250 1,013,250 975,500 976,000 1,951,000 2 2.00

Level 80 Blacksmith Recipe for Rubellux Battleaxe

Fire Cluster 2 20 40 9/25/24 5:03:14 PM
Earth Cluster 2 19 38 10/1/23 3:51:52 PM
Kingcraft Demimateria 8 2,000 16,000 3/3/23 3:20:53 PM
Dwarven Mythril Ingot 1 4,913 4,913 11/1/24 12:34:35 AM
Tungsten Steel Ingot 3 197 591 2/4/25 3:28:52 PM
Alumina Whetstone 2 36,749 73,498 5/21/23 3:56:44 PM
Ruby Plating 1 279,895 279,895 3/5/23 5:45:34 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 374,975

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 97,525

Current Prices

Price History

Midgardsormr Cross Server Data for Rubellux Battleaxe on Aether

Adamantoise 759,149 3 759,149 0 722,999 216,351 722,999 722,999 1 6/27/23 12:36:52 AM
Cactuar 750,748 4 750,748 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/22/23 1:54:11 AM
Faerie 881,995 5 881,995 0 499,987 93,505 499,990 999,975 2 6/14/23 4:57:49 PM
Gilgamesh 629,944 4 629,944 0 599,914 345,556 599,900 1,799,742 3 6/2/23 7:52:22 PM
Jenova 512,400 4 512,400 0 511,599 463,100 491,000 2,557,999 5 6/26/23 4:15:20 PM
Midgardsormr 1,013,250 4 1,013,250 0 975,500 -37,750 976,000 1,951,000 2 6/25/23 2:55:48 AM
Sargatanas 498,780 2 498,780 0 500,182 476,720 498,999 1,500,547 3 5/3/23 3:29:33 PM
Siren 629,999 4 629,999 769,650 0 0 0 0 0 6/16/23 9:58:13 PM