Buttoned Varsity Jacket

Server: Midgardsormr

Last Updated: 12/10/22 7:57:33 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

10 199,999 318,003 199,999 196,362 199,999 2,159,991 11 0.90

Level 90 Weaver Recipe for Buttoned Varsity Jacket

Wind Cluster 3 9 27 10/28/24 4:09:27 AM
Lightning Cluster 3 115 345 2/14/25 4:24:54 AM
AR-Caean Velvet 3 993 2,979 11/1/24 4:04:45 PM
Exciting Fiber 1 16,200 16,200 11/8/23 3:02:57 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 19,551

Profit/Loss Normal = 45,449

Profit/Loss HQ = 40,451

Current Prices

Price History

Midgardsormr Cross Server Data for Buttoned Varsity Jacket on Aether

Adamantoise 51,449 10 63,000 51,449 49,859 144,913 48,999 398,876 8 9/20/23 5:42:25 AM
Cactuar 62,999 12 62,999 68,250 27,244 133,363 23,000 272,448 10 3/2/23 11:54:09 PM
Faerie 59,325 12 59,325 59,849 51,227 137,037 56,500 563,498 11 3/2/23 5:59:45 AM
Gilgamesh 300,000 6 320,000 300,000 307,142 -103,638 300,000 2,149,996 7 10/10/22 8:51:53 AM
Jenova 270,000 24 290,000 270,000 530,545 -73,638 270,000 5,835,998 11 10/31/22 6:06:47 PM
Midgardsormr 199,999 10 318,003 199,999 196,362 -3,637 199,999 2,159,991 11 12/10/22 7:57:33 AM
Sargatanas 31,499 13 35,484 31,499 31,031 164,863 33,794 558,562 18 3/2/23 2:29:23 PM
Siren 134,400 4 134,400 239,293 61,998 61,962 115,000 991,983 16 2/25/23 4:29:53 AM