Ametrine Earrings of Slaying

Server: Midgardsormr

Last Updated: 2/17/22 12:57:15 AM
Search Category: Earrings | Item Category: Earrings | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

13 25,000 25,000 26,447 24,999 528,949 20 0.60

Level 81 Goldsmith Recipe for Ametrine Earrings of Slaying

Wind Crystal 8 68 544 6/7/24 7:51:14 AM
High Durium Nugget 1 1,380 1,380 2/7/25 3:29:57 PM
Ametrine 2 1,990 3,980 1/25/24 3:58:12 PM
Fire Crystal 7 53 371 6/12/24 12:03:37 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 6,275

Profit/Loss Normal = 33,725

Profit/Loss HQ = 33,525

Current Prices

Price History

Midgardsormr Cross Server Data for Ametrine Earrings of Slaying on Aether

Adamantoise 51,333 2 51,333 0 25,565 -24,886 30,000 127,826 5 6/19/23 1:29:03 PM
Cactuar 26,593 4 26,593 0 25,323 -146 25,326 126,618 5 5/10/23 8:47:19 AM
Faerie 63,000 5 63,000 0 69,069 -36,553 69,069 69,069 1 6/24/23 8:12:48 PM
Gilgamesh 120,750 4 0 120,750 80,900 -94,303 110,000 404,500 5 6/16/23 10:36:20 AM
Jenova 41,999 4 41,999 0 65,195 -15,552 39,999 260,781 4 5/17/23 2:40:07 PM
Midgardsormr 25,000 13 25,000 0 26,447 1,447 24,999 528,949 20 2/17/22 12:57:15 AM
Sargatanas 30,000 4 30,000 0 43,677 -3,553 59,999 349,418 8 2/6/23 4:37:04 AM
Siren 34,800 13 34,800 0 34,695 -8,353 29,700 520,438 15 5/17/22 10:41:28 PM