Augmented Menis

Server: Midgardsormr

Last Updated: 6/7/23 11:29:26 AM
Search Category: Lancer's Arms | Item Category: Lancer's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

3 994,119 994,119 948,038 947,779 1,896,077 2 1.50

Level 80 Blacksmith Recipe for Augmented Menis

Earth Crystal 7 44 308 5/5/23 1:12:03 PM
Kingcraft Demimateria 8 2,000 16,000 3/3/23 3:20:53 PM
Sandalwood Lumber 2 298 596 9/7/24 8:14:26 AM
Tungsten Steel Ingot 3 197 591 2/4/25 3:28:52 PM
Onyx 1 899 899 11/2/24 8:08:31 PM
Hades's Auracite 1 829,500 829,500 9/12/23 1:56:23 PM
Fire Crystal 7 53 371 6/12/24 12:03:37 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 848,265

Profit/Loss Normal = 351,735

Profit/Loss HQ = 99,514

Current Prices

Price History

Midgardsormr Cross Server Data for Augmented Menis on Aether

Adamantoise 881,422 2 881,422 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/9/23 3:57:39 AM
Cactuar 779,099 10 779,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/5/23 9:57:38 AM
Faerie 734,890 3 734,890 0 675,999 213,148 675,999 675,999 1 6/6/23 12:56:05 AM
Gilgamesh 671,993 5 671,993 682,498 636,950 276,045 636,950 636,950 1 5/30/23 5:58:01 AM
Jenova 884,089 2 884,089 0 529,865 63,949 529,865 529,865 1 5/9/23 10:56:21 PM
Midgardsormr 994,119 3 994,119 0 948,038 -46,081 947,779 1,896,077 2 6/7/23 11:29:26 AM
Sargatanas 545,999 2 545,999 0 520,799 402,039 529,000 2,603,997 5 5/29/23 7:53:23 PM
Siren 724,945 3 724,945 0 690,397 223,093 690,398 2,071,191 3 5/31/23 10:51:18 PM