Frontier Trousers

Server: Midgardsormr

Last Updated: 9/20/23 10:57:45 AM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

18 262,500 420,000 262,500 296,998 296,998 296,998 1 18.00

Level 80 Weaver Recipe for Frontier Trousers

Wind Crystal 7 68 476 6/7/24 7:51:14 AM
Lightning Crystal 7 49 343 6/8/24 12:07:46 AM
Saffron Cloth 3 8,998 26,994 3/5/23 5:42:30 AM
Thylacoleo Leather 1 16,999 16,999 2/4/25 5:25:53 PM
Frontier Cloth 2 93,999 187,998 3/5/23 5:42:41 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 232,810

Profit/Loss Normal = 64,188

Profit/Loss HQ = 61,218

Current Prices

Price History

Midgardsormr Cross Server Data for Frontier Trousers on Aether

Adamantoise 367,499 5 367,499 367,500 299,999 -70,501 300,000 1,199,998 4 5/27/23 9:48:34 AM
Cactuar 282,450 7 315,000 282,450 288,350 14,548 279,000 1,441,752 5 6/3/23 1:57:53 AM
Faerie 315,730 12 315,730 315,777 324,085 -18,732 300,695 1,296,343 4 6/2/23 11:56:49 PM
Gilgamesh 293,999 9 293,999 294,000 315,839 2,999 314,599 1,263,357 4 6/1/23 1:49:40 AM
Jenova 304,000 7 304,000 305,000 304,867 -7,002 306,999 2,438,942 8 10/16/23 12:19:46 PM
Midgardsormr 262,500 18 420,000 262,500 296,998 34,498 296,998 296,998 1 9/20/23 10:57:45 AM
Sargatanas 251,999 4 251,999 0 233,979 44,999 239,999 1,169,897 5 5/27/23 9:48:37 AM
Siren 393,518 6 393,518 397,950 379,000 -96,520 379,000 1,516,000 4 5/12/23 1:17:57 PM