House Borel Interior Wall

Server: Midgardsormr

Last Updated: 4/16/23 4:33:33 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

31 3,975 3,975 2,433 3,450 48,664 20 1.50

Level 70 Weaver Recipe for House Borel Interior Wall

Hallowed Ramie Cloth 6 150 900 1/23/24 1:30:55 PM
Wind Cluster 2 9 18 10/28/24 4:09:27 AM
Lightning Cluster 2 115 230 2/14/25 4:24:54 AM
Twinthread 4 105 420 3/16/23 10:57:20 AM
Rhea Cloth 2 44 88 11/8/23 3:04:48 PM
Mortar 4 800 3,200 9/25/24 5:02:19 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,856

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,856

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Midgardsormr Cross Server Data for House Borel Interior Wall on Aether

Adamantoise 5,303 24 0 5,303 4,612 -2,870 5,000 50,741 11 2/25/23 12:34:30 PM
Cactuar 3,000 33 0 3,000 5,023 -567 3,900 70,323 14 5/5/22 8:45:32 AM
Faerie 7,110 33 0 7,110 7,281 -4,677 7,300 101,935 14 5/22/22 12:53:26 PM
Gilgamesh 5,773 11 0 5,773 3,669 -3,340 5,347 66,042 18 12/22/22 1:18:52 AM
Jenova 4,830 32 0 4,830 0 0 0 0 0 2/28/23 7:27:25 AM
Midgardsormr 3,975 31 0 3,975 2,433 -1,542 3,450 48,664 20 4/16/23 4:33:33 PM
Sargatanas 3,899 46 0 3,899 3,229 -1,466 3,945 61,351 19 2/26/23 12:23:32 PM
Siren 2,500 32 0 2,500 2,766 -67 2,795 24,898 9 10/16/22 8:56:44 AM