Replica High Allagan Coat of Healing

Server: Midgardsormr

Last Updated: 4/27/22 11:26:42 PM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 99
More Information

Gathering info:

8 88,989 88,989 88,733 98,990 532,398 6 1.30

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Replica High Allagan Coat of Healing

High Allagan Aetherstone - Body Gear 2 425 850 9/7/24 6:05:53 AM
Wind Cluster 2 9 18 10/28/24 4:09:27 AM
Lightning Cluster 2 115 230 2/14/25 4:24:54 AM
Battlecraft Demimateria III 3 500 1,500 3/5/23 8:58:33 PM
Platinum Ingot 1 22 22 11/6/23 2:36:37 PM
Kirimu Leather 1 449 449 9/7/24 7:47:32 AM
Arachne Velveteen 3 11,340 34,020 9/13/23 3:54:50 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 37,089

Profit/Loss Normal = 212,911

Profit/Loss HQ = 180,911

Current Prices

Price History

Midgardsormr Cross Server Data for Replica High Allagan Coat of Healing on Aether

Adamantoise 218,999 2 218,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/16/23 1:31:35 AM
Cactuar 136,498 11 136,498 0 126,333 -47,765 128,000 378,999 3 6/4/21 4:32:54 PM
Faerie 211,049 13 211,049 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/21/23 5:09:03 AM
Gilgamesh 99,998 3 99,998 0 98,999 -11,265 99,000 197,999 2 5/23/24 9:16:27 PM
Jenova 50,000 4 50,000 0 48,571 38,733 50,000 339,999 7 2/6/22 1:50:52 PM
Midgardsormr 88,989 8 88,989 0 88,733 -256 98,990 532,398 6 4/27/22 11:26:42 PM
Sargatanas 62,998 12 62,998 0 57,828 25,735 57,000 346,973 6 2/28/23 3:14:26 AM
Siren 89,530 6 89,530 0 155,502 -797 155,504 311,004 2 3/5/22 6:25:19 PM