Farreach Canvas

Server: Midgardsormr

Last Updated: 6/15/23 1:41:39 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 17
More Information

Gathering info:

2 10,500 10,500 1,839 1,899 22,073 12 0.20

Level 53 Weaver Recipe for Farreach Canvas

Red Moko Grass 3 29 87 6/4/23 2:51:32 AM
Wind Cluster 1 9 9 10/28/24 4:09:27 AM
Lightning Cluster 1 115 115 2/14/25 4:24:54 AM
Potash 9 315 2,835 9/21/23 7:46:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,046

Profit/Loss Normal = 971

Profit/Loss HQ = 6,454

60 Enterprise Miniature
60 Odyssey Miniature
60 Viltgance Miniature

Current Prices

Price History

Midgardsormr Cross Server Data for Farreach Canvas on Aether

Adamantoise 2,831 24 3,095 2,831 2,839 -992 2,900 25,552 9 6/26/23 2:46:25 PM
Cactuar 3,150 24 3,150 3,482 7,498 -1,311 7,498 67,482 9 6/22/23 3:32:41 AM
Faerie 4,515 63 6,962 4,515 0 0 0 0 0 3/30/23 4:53:57 AM
Gilgamesh 26,122 12 26,123 26,122 5,869 -24,283 8,800 46,956 8 5/3/23 8:46:35 PM
Jenova 1,365 21 1,365 1,573 1,444 474 1,499 37,556 26 6/27/23 3:39:22 PM
Midgardsormr 10,500 2 0 10,500 1,839 -8,661 1,899 22,073 12 6/15/23 1:41:39 PM
Sargatanas 7,035 32 9,450 7,035 8,900 -5,196 8,900 17,800 2 6/26/23 11:57:56 AM
Siren 3,518 78 5,250 3,518 4,643 -1,679 4,000 125,384 27 6/21/23 12:57:43 AM