Kirimu Leather

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 9/21/23 6:10:57 AM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

24 9,450 9,450 10,263 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 50 Leatherworker Recipe for Kirimu Leather

Wind Cluster 2 5 10 10/25/24 11:48:22 AM
Earth Cluster 2 30 60 2/19/25 11:50:13 AM
Allagan Leather 1 7,560 7,560 6/10/23 7:36:10 AM
Dubbin 1 570 570 1/19/22 3:41:51 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,200

Profit/Loss Normal = 2,800

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,911

50 Kirimu Breeches of Fending
50 Kirimu Breeches of Maiming
50 Kirimu Sandals of Striking
50 Kirimu Tricorne
50 Kirimu Coat
50 Kirimu Bracers
50 Kirimu Brais
50 Kirimu Boots of Aiming
50 Kirimu Gloves of Healing
50 Kirimu Boots of Healing
50 Kirimu Gloves of Casting
50 Kirimu Boots of Casting
50 Wootz Knuckles
50 Kirimu Grimoire
50 Kirimu Codex
50 Kirimu Sandals of Scouting
50 Platinum Planisphere
60 Replica Allagan Baghnakhs
60 Replica Allagan Grimoire of Casting
60 Replica Allagan Grimoire of Healing
60 Replica Allagan Helm
60 Replica Heavy Allagan Armor
60 Replica Heavy Allagan Gauntlets
60 Replica Heavy Allagan Cuisses
60 Replica Heavy Allagan Sollerets
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60 Replica Allagan Gauntlets of Maiming
60 Replica Allagan Trousers of Maiming
60 Replica Allagan Sollerets of Maiming
60 Replica Allagan Visor of Striking
60 Replica Allagan Gauntlets of Striking
60 Replica Allagan Trousers of Striking
60 Replica Allagan Sollerets of Striking
60 Replica Allagan Visor of Aiming
60 Replica Allagan Gauntlets of Aiming
60 Replica Allagan Trousers of Aiming
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60 Replica Allagan Tunic of Healing
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60 Replica High Allagan Grimoire of Healing
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60 Replica High Allagan Trousers of Fending
60 Replica High Allagan Sabatons of Fending
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60 Replica High Allagan Cuirass of Maiming
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60 Replica High Allagan Headgear of Striking
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60 Replica High Allagan Breeches of Casting
60 Replica High Allagan Boots of Casting
60 Replica Dreadwyrm Armor of Fending
60 Replica Dreadwyrm Gauntlets of Fending
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60 Replica Dreadwyrm Shoes of Casting
60 Replica Dreadwyrm Cyclas of Scouting
60 Replica Dreadwyrm Bracers of Scouting
60 Replica Dreadwyrm Slops of Scouting
60 Replica Dreadwyrm Boots of Scouting

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Kirimu Leather on Crystal

Balmung 7,817 22 8,399 7,817 8,650 -7,817 7,444 121,101 14 6/5/23 12:56:10 AM
Coeurl 20,995 413 30,450 20,995 18,571 -20,995 22,000 130,001 7 5/1/23 3:49:21 AM
Goblin 11,550 41 14,699 11,550 10,938 -11,550 9,797 306,283 28 6/5/23 1:45:08 PM
Zalera 10,850 11 10,850 10,974 7,806 -10,850 7,200 390,329 50 7/15/23 6:39:48 PM
Brynhildr 6,400 39 7,994 6,400 6,707 -6,400 8,998 207,925 31 6/23/24 9:17:41 PM
Diabolos 12,600 9 12,600 12,600 11,200 -12,600 12,000 56,000 5 6/12/23 4:49:37 AM
Malboro 2,997 22 2,997 4,000 2,626 -2,997 2,000 81,410 31 9/30/24 6:10:27 PM
Mateus 9,450 24 9,450 10,263 0 0 0 0 0 9/21/23 6:10:57 AM