Blazing Inferno Wall Lamp

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 4/7/22 2:06:43 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

15 55,555 55,555 83,333 66,666 166,666 2 7.50

Level 50 Goldsmith Recipe for Blazing Inferno Wall Lamp

Darksteel Nugget 4 2,939 11,756 10/6/23 7:36:36 AM
Rose Gold Ingot 2 999 1,998 2/1/23 3:03:33 PM
Tallow Candle 4 390 1,560 2/15/25 4:39:04 PM
Inferno Horn 1 9,999 9,999 9/4/22 12:39:31 AM
Frosted Glass Lens 2 19,425 38,850 6/26/23 6:53:39 PM
Fire Crystal 10 59 590 9/21/23 1:32:08 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 64,753

Profit/Loss Normal = -44,753

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Frosted Glass Lens
Fire Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Blazing Inferno Wall Lamp on Crystal

Balmung 94,847 7 0 94,847 81,421 -11,514 74,850 488,529 6 7/27/22 5:44:26 PM
Coeurl 282,992 13 0 282,992 271,524 -199,659 269,515 814,574 3 2/26/23 3:08:41 PM
Goblin 146,990 8 0 146,990 119,514 -63,657 13,989 358,543 3 2/27/23 6:55:04 AM
Zalera 113,999 8 0 113,999 112,999 -30,666 113,998 225,998 2 4/19/23 9:40:51 PM
Brynhildr 19,760 3 0 19,760 68,331 63,573 100,000 409,989 6 10/14/24 6:37:22 PM
Diabolos 129,149 13 0 129,149 0 0 0 0 0 2/26/23 5:34:30 AM
Malboro 129,999 12 0 129,999 133,317 -46,666 133,299 399,953 3 4/17/23 12:09:32 AM
Mateus 55,555 15 0 55,555 83,333 27,778 66,666 166,666 2 4/7/22 2:06:43 AM