Cunning Craftsman's Tisane

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 10/25/24 11:54:06 AM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 197
More Information

Gathering info:

179 400 1,990 400 2,035 2,000 863,255 424 0.40

Level 97 Alchemist Recipe for Cunning Craftsman's Tisane

Lightning Crystal 8 97 776 6/24/24 8:10:45 AM
Water Crystal 8 75 600 6/24/24 8:25:29 AM
Peppermint 2 126 252 6/22/23 8:54:23 AM
Yak T'el Spring Water 2 276 552 3/11/25 1:16:45 PM
Pearl Grass 2 0 0
Tumbleclaw Weeds 2 720 1,440 3/11/25 1:17:00 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,620

Profit/Loss Normal = -807

Profit/Loss HQ = 783

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Cunning Craftsman's Tisane on Crystal

Malboro 600 1,873 1,920 600 1,882 1,435 997 274,784 146 10/14/24 4:40:07 AM
Mateus 400 179 1,990 400 2,035 1,635 2,000 863,255 424 10/25/24 11:54:06 AM