Gargantua Leather

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 2/22/25 7:46:21 PM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

935 750 8,499 750 2,593 1,095 282,639 109 8.60

Level 98 Leatherworker Recipe for Gargantua Leather

Earth Crystal 8 40 320 2/7/24 4:22:14 PM
Acacia Bark 1 0 0
Gargantua Hide 4 350 1,400 2/16/25 12:10:52 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,720

Profit/Loss Normal = -970

Profit/Loss HQ = 6,779

99 Gargantuaskin Trousers of Fending
99 Gargantuaskin Trousers of Maiming
99 Gargantuaskin Jacket of Striking
99 Gargantuaskin Trousers of Striking
98 Thunderyards Silk Tabard of Aiming
98 Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Aiming
98 Thunderyards Silk Tabard of Scouting
98 Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Scouting
99 Thunderyards Silk Coat of Healing
98 Thunderyards Silk Gloves of Healing
99 Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Healing
98 Gargantuaskin Shoes of Healing
99 Thunderyards Silk Coat of Casting
98 Thunderyards Silk Gloves of Casting
99 Thunderyards Silk Trousers of Casting
98 Gargantuaskin Shoes of Casting
100 Archeo Kingdom Cuirass of Fending
100 Archeo Kingdom Cuirass of Maiming
100 Archeo Kingdom Armguards of Striking
100 Archeo Kingdom Gloves of Aiming
100 Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Aiming
100 Archeo Kingdom Armguards of Scouting
100 Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Scouting
100 Archeo Kingdom Gloves of Healing
100 Archeo Kingdom Shoes of Healing
100 Archeo Kingdom Armguards of Casting
100 Archeo Kingdom Shoes of Casting
100 Archeo Kingdom Choker of Fending
100 Archeo Kingdom Choker of Slaying
100 Archeo Kingdom Choker of Aiming
100 Archeo Kingdom Choker of Healing
100 Archeo Kingdom Choker of Casting
100 Ra'Kaznar Pickaxe
99 Ra'Kaznar File
100 Thunderyards Silk Shirt of Crafting
100 Gargantuaskin Halfgloves of Crafting
100 Claro Walnut Sandals of Crafting
100 Gargantuaskin Hat of Gathering
100 Thunderyards Silk Vest of Gathering
100 Gargantuaskin Fingerless Gloves of Gathering
100 Claro Walnut Sandals of Gathering
99 Claro Walnut Necklace of Gathering
99 Claro Walnut Bracelet of Gathering
99 Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Greaves
99 Rarefied Gargantuaskin Trousers
100 Rarefied Gargantuaskin Hat
99 Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Gloves
100 Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Culottes
100 Turali Trader's Shoes
100 Turali Traveler's Shoes
100 Scientist's Coat
100 Scientist's Gloves
100 Scientist's Breeches
100 Scientist's Boots
100 Everseeker's Saw
100 Everseeker's Creasing Knife
100 Everseeker's Workboots of Crafting
100 Everseeker's Gloves of Gathering
100 Everseeker's Shoes of Gathering
100 Wintertide Culottes
100 Wintertide Shoes
100 Patchwork Sofa

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Gargantua Leather on Crystal

Coeurl 1,495 1,648 3,345 1,495 2,505 1,098 3,350 288,178 115 10/20/24 4:56:28 PM
Diabolos 969 1,214 5,999 969 1,922 1,624 1,000 201,878 105 2/11/25 4:15:01 AM
Malboro 1,300 933 1,700 1,300 2,121 1,293 2,900 324,593 153 10/14/24 4:16:38 AM
Mateus 750 935 8,499 750 2,593 1,843 1,095 282,639 109 2/22/25 7:46:21 PM