Silver Lobo Leather

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 2/12/25 10:33:41 PM
Search Category: Leather | Item Category: Leather | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

176 2,486 2,487 2,486 2,368 2,500 338,759 143 1.20

Level 91 Leatherworker Recipe for Silver Lobo Leather

Earth Crystal 8 40 320 2/7/24 4:22:14 PM
Eblan Alumen 1 333 333 2/10/25 4:06:44 PM
Silver Lobo Hide 4 699 2,796 2/10/25 4:09:19 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,449

Profit/Loss Normal = -963

Profit/Loss HQ = -2,456

91 Mountain Chromite Kilij
91 Mountain Chromite Battleaxe
91 Lar Glaive
91 Loboskin Grimoire
91 Loboskin Codex
91 Mountain Chromite Guillotine
91 Ginseng Angle Brush
91 Lar Headgear of Fending
91 Loboskin Coat of Fending
91 Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Fending
91 Snow Cotton Bottoms of Fending
91 Loboskin Caligae of Fending
91 Lar Headgear of Maiming
91 Loboskin Coat of Maiming
91 Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Maiming
91 Snow Cotton Bottoms of Maiming
91 Loboskin Caligae of Maiming
91 Snow Cotton Headband of Striking
91 Snow Cotton Jacket of Striking
91 Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Striking
91 Snow Cotton Bottoms of Striking
91 Loboskin Caligae of Striking
91 Snow Cotton Ushanka of Aiming
91 Snow Cotton Coat of Aiming
91 Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Aiming
91 Snow Cotton Skirt of Aiming
91 Loboskin Caligae of Aiming
91 Snow Cotton Ushanka of Scouting
91 Snow Cotton Tunic of Scouting
91 Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Scouting
91 Snow Cotton Bottoms of Scouting
91 Loboskin Sandals of Scouting
91 Snow Cotton Muffed Met of Healing
91 Snow Cotton Tunic of Healing
91 Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Healing
91 Snow Cotton Bottoms of Healing
91 Loboskin Sandals of Healing
91 Snow Cotton Muffed Met of Casting
91 Snow Cotton Coat of Casting
91 Loboskin Fingerless Gloves of Casting
91 Snow Cotton Skirt of Casting
91 Loboskin Caligae of Casting
91 Loboskin Necklace of Fending
91 Loboskin Necklace of Slaying
91 Loboskin Necklace of Aiming
91 Loboskin Necklace of Healing
91 Loboskin Necklace of Casting
91 Loboskin Amulet of Fending
91 Loboskin Amulet of Slaying
91 Loboskin Amulet of Aiming
91 Loboskin Amulet of Healing
91 Loboskin Amulet of Casting
93 Mountain Linen Hose of Fending
93 Mountain Linen Hose of Maiming
93 Mountain Linen Top of Striking
93 Crocodileskin Breeches of Striking
93 Mountain Linen Cloak of Aiming
92 Crocodileskin Armguards of Aiming
93 Mountain Linen Longkilt of Aiming
93 Crocodileskin Thighboots of Aiming
93 Mountain Linen Top of Scouting
93 Crocodileskin Breeches of Scouting
93 Mountain Linen Cloak of Healing
92 Crocodileskin Armguards of Healing
93 Mountain Linen Longkilt of Healing
93 Crocodileskin Thighboots of Healing
93 Mountain Linen Cloak of Casting
92 Crocodileskin Armguards of Casting
93 Mountain Linen Longkilt of Casting
93 Crocodileskin Thighboots of Casting
91 Mountain Chromite Pickaxe
91 Mountain Chromite Hatchet
91 Snow Cotton Beret
91 Snow Cotton Jacket
91 Loboskin Fingerless Gloves
91 Snow Cotton Trousers
91 Loboskin Shoes
91 Snow Cotton Bandana
91 Loboskin Coat
91 Loboskin Gloves
91 Snow Cotton Breeches
91 Loboskin Boots
91 Lar Ear Cuffs
91 Lar Choker
91 Lar Bracelets
91 Lar Ring
91 Rarefied Loboskin Fingerless Gloves
91 Rarefied Snow Cotton Beret
91 Rarefied Loboskin Grimoire

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Silver Lobo Leather on Crystal

Balmung 2,417 635 4,000 2,417 3,847 -49 2,400 319,327 83 2/13/25 2:38:54 AM
Diabolos 1,234 1,273 3,050 1,234 3,010 1,134 3,049 454,610 151 10/15/24 8:19:42 PM
Malboro 2,874 409 3,993 2,874 3,071 -506 3,104 353,180 115 10/9/24 3:13:24 PM
Mateus 2,486 176 2,487 2,486 2,368 -118 2,500 338,759 143 2/12/25 10:33:41 PM