Leveilleur Estate Interior Wall

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 3/3/23 8:58:23 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

53 20,095 20,095 18,904 19,100 94,523 5 10.60

Level 90 Goldsmith Recipe for Leveilleur Estate Interior Wall

Wind Crystal 8 60 480 10/25/24 4:04:01 AM
Stonegold Ingot 5 900 4,500 5/24/24 5:13:15 AM
Annite Whetstone 4 975 3,900 2/16/25 12:22:46 PM
Marble 8 768 6,144 1/23/23 10:46:56 PM
Mortar 4 1,489 5,956 2/20/25 1:01:25 AM
Fire Crystal 8 59 472 9/21/23 1:32:08 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 21,452

Profit/Loss Normal = -11,456

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Leveilleur Estate Interior Wall on Crystal

Balmung 17,164 45 0 17,164 18,152 1,740 16,000 363,050 20 3/1/23 8:57:25 AM
Goblin 29,388 32 0 29,388 34,201 -10,484 29,000 820,844 24 2/28/23 7:58:27 PM
Zalera 5,148 43 0 5,148 0 0 0 0 0 3/7/23 1:20:09 AM
Brynhildr 14,999 12 0 14,999 22,000 3,905 39,998 396,006 18 2/10/24 6:37:42 AM
Diabolos 15,222 26 0 15,222 15,636 3,682 16,496 171,996 11 2/28/23 1:14:15 AM
Malboro 11,000 20 0 11,000 10,375 7,904 10,999 114,131 11 12/17/23 7:31:59 AM
Mateus 20,095 53 0 20,095 18,904 -1,191 19,100 94,523 5 3/3/23 8:58:23 PM