Leveilleur Estate Flooring

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 3/4/23 4:23:54 AM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Flooring | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

34 1,796 1,796 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 90 Goldsmith Recipe for Leveilleur Estate Flooring

Wind Crystal 8 60 480 10/25/24 4:04:01 AM
Diaspore 5 83 415 5/24/24 5:14:26 AM
Annite Whetstone 4 975 3,900 2/16/25 12:22:46 PM
Granite 8 240 1,920 4/2/23 1:25:14 AM
Mortar 4 1,489 5,956 2/20/25 1:01:25 AM
Fire Crystal 8 59 472 9/21/23 1:32:08 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 13,143

Profit/Loss Normal = -12,693

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Leveilleur Estate Flooring on Crystal

Balmung 3,150 39 0 3,150 1,736 -3,150 3,129 26,053 15 2/26/23 7:51:20 AM
Coeurl 700 33 0 700 1,018 -700 500 20,375 20 6/18/23 1:36:15 AM
Goblin 5,978 16 0 5,978 3,838 -5,978 5,798 38,389 10 2/19/23 3:35:54 AM
Zalera 1,995 43 0 1,995 0 0 0 0 0 3/7/23 1:06:23 AM
Diabolos 2,698 28 0 2,698 2,243 -2,698 2,750 33,652 15 5/18/23 1:47:40 AM
Malboro 1,450 14 0 1,450 1,085 -1,450 1,400 17,369 16 8/7/23 1:46:06 PM
Mateus 1,796 34 0 1,796 0 0 0 0 0 3/4/23 4:23:54 AM