Imitation Stained Crystal Roundel

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 2/28/23 5:56:53 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

38 6,741 6,741 15,406 6,400 154,062 10 3.80

Level 90 Goldsmith Recipe for Imitation Stained Crystal Roundel

Wind Crystal 8 60 480 10/25/24 4:04:01 AM
Crystal Glass 5 2,088 10,440 2/26/23 9:09:08 AM
Star Quartz 3 1,245 3,735 2/20/25 1:28:34 AM
Fire Crystal 8 59 472 9/21/23 1:32:08 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 15,127

Profit/Loss Normal = -12,067

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Imitation Stained Crystal Roundel on Crystal

Balmung 4,199 52 0 4,199 8,332 11,207 6,989 91,657 11 3/3/23 9:38:06 AM
Coeurl 15,750 14 0 15,750 11,787 -344 13,000 117,877 10 3/4/23 10:59:23 AM
Goblin 4,932 41 0 4,932 6,272 10,474 4,060 69,000 11 2/25/23 5:53:33 PM
Zalera 6,824 26 0 6,824 6,282 8,582 6,824 87,953 14 4/19/23 12:30:47 AM
Brynhildr 2,221 22 0 2,221 1,574 13,185 2,494 31,498 20 12/23/23 9:38:16 PM
Malboro 1,873 31 0 1,873 2,021 13,533 1,869 16,171 8 1/8/24 8:28:24 AM
Mateus 6,741 38 0 6,741 15,406 8,665 6,400 154,062 10 2/28/23 5:56:53 AM