Scarlet Moko Coatee of Crafting

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 6/19/23 4:51:48 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 650
More Information

Gathering info:

7 42,000 60,900 42,000 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 87 Weaver Recipe for Scarlet Moko Coatee of Crafting

Wind Crystal 8 60 480 10/25/24 4:04:01 AM
Lightning Crystal 8 97 776 6/24/24 8:10:45 AM
Blue Zircon 2 183 366 9/12/23 1:37:33 PM
Snow Linen 1 5 5 10/7/23 10:25:21 PM
Scarlet Moko Cloth 3 250 750 2/4/25 1:59:46 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,377

Profit/Loss Normal = 37,623

Profit/Loss HQ = 77,598

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Scarlet Moko Coatee of Crafting on Crystal

Balmung 14,650 10 24,000 14,650 23,657 -14,650 23,990 94,629 4 5/27/22 3:38:01 PM
Coeurl 56,715 6 56,715 0 54,219 -56,715 54,000 108,439 2 4/12/23 6:56:40 PM
Goblin 29,000 12 32,547 29,000 0 0 0 0 0 1/28/22 4:21:29 AM
Zalera 31,474 8 31,474 31,499 35,751 -31,474 34,969 178,758 5 6/14/22 3:43:39 AM
Brynhildr 63,000 6 63,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/16/22 8:24:59 PM
Diabolos 8,000 6 19,000 8,000 20,583 -8,000 21,000 102,918 5 4/6/22 4:04:42 PM
Malboro 5,000 5 12,000 5,000 11,999 -5,000 12,000 47,998 4 4/18/23 3:37:35 AM
Mateus 42,000 7 60,900 42,000 0 0 0 0 0 6/19/23 4:51:48 AM