AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Healing

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 6/9/22 11:51:21 AM
Search Category: Head | Item Category: Head | Sell price to vendor: 390
More Information

Gathering info:

7 22,050 22,050 19,058 19,990 95,294 5 1.40

Level 88 Weaver Recipe for AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Healing

Wind Crystal 8 60 480 10/25/24 4:04:01 AM
Lightning Crystal 8 97 776 6/24/24 8:10:45 AM
Star Quartz 1 1,245 1,245 2/20/25 1:28:34 AM
Scarlet Moko Cloth 1 250 250 2/4/25 1:59:46 AM
AR-Caean Velvet 2 592 1,184 2/10/25 3:39:33 PM
Grade 5 Mind Alkahest 1 412 412 10/7/23 7:54:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,347

Profit/Loss Normal = 15,653

Profit/Loss HQ = 22,653

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for AR-Caean Velvet Cap of Healing on Crystal

Balmung 24,098 16 24,098 0 22,999 -5,040 22,999 68,998 3 6/9/22 12:37:39 PM
Coeurl 69,000 4 69,000 0 35,975 -49,942 55,000 719,513 20 12/18/21 5:43:21 AM
Goblin 47,250 4 47,250 0 60,746 -28,192 61,989 242,984 4 2/25/23 8:39:53 AM
Zalera 34,129 11 34,129 0 35,289 -15,071 30,000 282,312 8 6/3/22 6:18:00 PM
Brynhildr 28,350 9 28,350 0 29,557 -9,292 26,999 147,786 5 6/9/22 11:26:28 AM
Diabolos 27,666 20 27,666 0 25,028 -8,608 26,000 325,374 13 3/2/22 2:54:42 PM
Malboro 17,800 8 17,800 0 23,125 1,258 23,428 92,500 4 8/5/23 7:51:25 AM
Mateus 22,050 7 22,050 0 19,058 -2,992 19,990 95,294 5 6/9/22 11:51:21 AM