Quaintrelle's Dress Shoes

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 3/8/23 3:55:55 AM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

3 114,445 114,445 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 70 Leatherworker Recipe for Quaintrelle's Dress Shoes

Wind Cluster 2 5 10 10/25/24 11:48:22 AM
Earth Cluster 2 30 60 2/19/25 11:50:13 AM
Palladium Nugget 1 275 275 5/5/24 2:17:01 PM
Twinthread 1 524 524 3/17/23 5:58:29 AM
Ground Sloth Leather 1 473 473 6/24/23 2:54:06 AM
Leather Cointe Quaint 2 818 1,636 3/2/22 9:10:30 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,978

Profit/Loss Normal = 17,022

Profit/Loss HQ = 53,022

Desynthesizes into:

Earth Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Quaintrelle's Dress Shoes on Crystal

Balmung 60,000 12 89,999 60,000 91,453 -60,000 89,999 1,005,983 11 10/18/22 1:59:49 AM
Coeurl 5,000 15 8,600 5,000 11,479 -5,000 8,599 57,397 5 1/4/24 11:19:37 PM
Goblin 25,900 13 25,900 25,999 24,120 -25,900 25,900 385,933 16 5/22/22 8:12:35 AM
Zalera 19,740 17 0 19,740 19,099 -19,740 18,000 95,499 5 6/15/22 3:15:58 PM
Brynhildr 21,000 12 0 21,000 0 0 0 0 0 3/9/23 1:42:45 AM
Diabolos 24,254 22 0 24,254 30,961 -24,254 23,000 185,769 6 2/25/23 11:40:39 AM
Malboro 300 22 0 300 305 -300 398 2,136 7 4/18/23 1:55:55 AM
Mateus 114,445 3 0 114,445 0 0 0 0 0 3/8/23 3:55:55 AM