Fortemps Manor Interior Wall

Server: Mateus

Last Updated: 5/20/23 12:55:53 AM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

29 63,000 63,000 77,243 66,999 617,945 8 3.60

Level 60 Weaver Recipe for Fortemps Manor Interior Wall

Hallowed Ramie Cloth 6 700 4,200 9/20/23 3:31:08 AM
Astral Silk 2 2 4 2/22/23 7:31:31 AM
Sewing Thread 4 1,780 7,120 5/5/23 3:56:33 AM
Wind Cluster 2 5 10 10/25/24 11:48:22 AM
Lightning Cluster 2 92 184 10/25/24 8:11:19 AM
Mortar 4 1,489 5,956 2/20/25 1:01:25 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 17,474

Profit/Loss Normal = 22,516

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Mateus Cross Server Data for Fortemps Manor Interior Wall on Crystal

Balmung 41,108 20 0 41,108 27,995 36,135 29,999 139,979 5 5/27/23 1:41:51 AM
Coeurl 17,325 40 0 17,325 18,607 59,918 19,494 93,039 5 5/13/23 4:56:05 AM
Goblin 14,805 25 0 14,805 18,833 62,438 14,100 94,165 5 5/25/23 10:54:15 PM
Zalera 18,900 27 0 18,900 18,287 58,343 17,999 91,438 5 5/14/23 3:50:53 AM
Brynhildr 7,928 41 0 7,928 8,004 69,315 8,150 56,033 7 5/22/23 4:54:12 AM
Diabolos 10,499 11 0 10,499 20,426 66,744 9,999 204,269 10 5/14/23 9:47:31 PM
Malboro 15,750 15 0 15,750 17,079 61,493 20,000 85,397 5 5/26/23 1:56:05 AM
Mateus 63,000 29 0 63,000 77,243 14,243 66,999 617,945 8 5/20/23 12:55:53 AM