Wing Glue

Server: Masamune

Last Updated: 6/23/23 10:58:24 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

121 2,888 2,993 2,888 2,455 2,500 117,840 48 2.50

Level 55 Alchemist Recipe for Wing Glue

Dhalmel Saliva 2 314 628 9/24/23 2:04:11 PM
Wyvern Wing 3 410 1,230 6/9/22 6:50:23 PM
Water Crystal 4 21 84 9/20/23 3:33:43 AM
Ahriman Wing 2 840 1,680 4/2/23 4:30:48 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,622

Profit/Loss Normal = -819

Profit/Loss HQ = -622

Current Prices

Price History

Masamune Cross Server Data for Wing Glue on Mana

Anima 2,415 219 3,969 2,415 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/21 5:45:12 PM
Asura 2,205 1,098 2,310 2,205 2,284 250 1,600 194,199 85 4/19/23 2:03:41 PM
Chocobo 2,940 233 3,150 2,940 3,274 -485 2,800 337,292 103 6/15/23 10:32:59 AM
Hades 2,729 206 2,840 2,729 2,475 -274 2,700 49,500 20 6/8/23 6:52:00 AM
Ixion 2,519 54 2,520 2,519 2,457 -64 2,400 51,600 21 6/11/23 9:40:22 PM
Masamune 2,888 121 2,993 2,888 2,455 -433 2,500 117,840 48 6/23/23 10:58:24 AM
Pandaemonium 3,045 115 3,045 3,045 2,693 -590 2,900 150,855 56 6/14/22 4:04:09 AM
Titan 2,772 226 3,150 2,772 0 0 0 0 0 5/21/23 8:41:58 AM