Darksteel Ingot

Server: Masamune

Last Updated: 6/16/22 7:59:23 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

164 4,099 4,410 4,099 4,053 4,500 182,387 45 3.60

Level 50 Blacksmith Recipe for Darksteel Ingot

Fire Cluster 1 60 60 11/21/22 6:31:03 PM
Darksteel Nugget 2 949 1,898 6/11/22 4:00:13 PM
Coke 9 209 1,881 9/19/23 9:11:27 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,839

Profit/Loss Normal = 61

Profit/Loss HQ = 161

Level 50 Armorer Recipe for Darksteel Ingot

Ice Cluster 1 36 36 6/16/22 3:08:02 AM
Darksteel Nugget 2 949 1,898 6/11/22 4:00:13 PM
Coke 9 209 1,881 9/19/23 9:11:27 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,815

Profit/Loss Normal = 85

Profit/Loss HQ = 185

Current Prices

Price History

Masamune Cross Server Data for Darksteel Ingot on Mana

Anima 3,675 61 3,675 3,990 4,642 378 3,500 222,820 48 6/15/22 5:59:53 AM
Asura 3,150 155 3,155 3,150 3,435 903 3,000 202,694 59 6/16/22 8:20:06 AM
Chocobo 4,200 1,277 4,830 4,200 4,824 -147 4,550 554,791 115 6/16/22 9:03:43 AM
Hades 4,179 505 4,505 4,179 4,166 -126 4,900 108,332 26 9/13/23 9:50:18 AM
Ixion 4,199 99 4,200 4,199 4,243 -146 3,900 148,507 35 6/15/22 11:48:47 AM
Masamune 4,099 164 4,410 4,099 4,053 -46 4,500 182,387 45 6/16/22 7:59:23 AM
Pandaemonium 3,255 187 3,465 3,255 3,274 798 3,800 890,699 272 6/15/22 11:12:43 AM
Titan 4,200 36 7,875 4,200 5,287 -147 5,003 290,825 55 6/16/22 8:55:13 AM