Ruby Cotton Boll

Server: Masamune

Last Updated: 6/18/21 1:17:56 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

63 Rasen Kaikyo, Othard Region: The Ruby Sea
63 Rasen Kaikyo, Othard Region: The Ruby Sea

1 2,520 2,520 0 0 0 0 100.00

Current Prices

Price History

Masamune Cross Server Data for Ruby Cotton Boll on Mana

Anima 305 1,167 0 305 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 7:28:57 AM
Asura 314 735 315 314 391 -314 300 204,888 524 6/18/21 2:09:17 AM
Chocobo 177 1,412 0 177 158 -177 169 37,343 235 6/14/22 6:36:43 AM
Hades 200 1,037 300 200 286 -200 150 263,182 919 6/23/21 7:16:15 PM
Ixion 210 864 0 210 199 -210 200 57,820 290 6/27/23 3:49:04 AM
Masamune 2,520 1 0 2,520 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 1:17:56 AM
Pandaemonium 171 907 172 171 0 0 0 0 0 6/5/21 5:11:46 PM
Titan 117 762 0 117 110 -117 111 44,673 404 6/14/22 6:31:00 AM