High Steel Sledgehammer

Server: Masamune

Last Updated: 5/20/23 9:43:40 AM
Search Category: Miner's Tools | Item Category: Miner's Secondary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 428
More Information

Gathering info:

15 7,800 20,895 7,800 9,025 7,400 45,128 5 3.00

Level 62 Blacksmith Recipe for High Steel Sledgehammer

Earth Crystal 3 9 27 3/1/23 5:11:59 AM
Larch Lumber 1 305 305 6/16/21 8:15:37 PM
High Steel Ingot 2 221 442 6/14/22 1:42:45 AM
Fire Crystal 3 23 69 10/8/23 8:10:57 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 843

Profit/Loss Normal = 6,557

Profit/Loss HQ = 18,157

Desynthesizes into:

Fire Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Masamune Cross Server Data for High Steel Sledgehammer on Mana

Anima 6,300 5 0 6,300 5,357 2,725 6,000 21,428 4 6/14/22 3:28:22 AM
Asura 8,000 9 25,000 8,000 11,141 1,025 8,000 89,128 8 7/23/20 1:53:54 PM
Chocobo 2,520 7 23,099 2,520 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 2:42:22 AM
Hades 1,575 12 21,000 1,575 1,306 7,450 1,428 5,227 4 4/10/23 11:04:58 AM
Ixion 4,200 4 37,245 4,200 21,339 4,825 35,471 106,698 5 4/28/23 12:16:10 PM
Masamune 7,800 15 20,895 7,800 9,025 1,225 7,400 45,128 5 5/20/23 9:43:40 AM
Titan 1,890 18 20,895 1,890 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 2:35:35 AM