Dark Matter Cluster

Server: Masamune

Last Updated: 10/3/23 9:43:26 AM
Search Category: Catalysts | Item Category: Catalyst | Sell price to vendor: 10
More Information

Gathering info:

50 Lower La Noscea, La Noscea
50 Central Thanalan, Thanalan
50 Eastern Thanalan, Thanalan
50 Southern Thanalan, Thanalan
50 Northern Thanalan, Thanalan
50 Coerthas Central Highlands, Coerthas
50 Coerthas Western Highlands, Coerthas
50 Middle La Noscea, La Noscea
50 Eastern La Noscea, La Noscea
50 South Shroud, The Black Shroud
50 Western Thanalan, Thanalan
50 Eastern Thanalan, Thanalan
50 Coerthas Central Highlands, Coerthas
50 Mor Dhona, Mor Dhona
50 Middle La Noscea, La Noscea
50 Eastern La Noscea, La Noscea
50 Upper La Noscea, La Noscea
50 Central Shroud, The Black Shroud
50 South Shroud, The Black Shroud
50 North Shroud, The Black Shroud
50 Coerthas Central Highlands, Coerthas
50 Mor Dhona, Mor Dhona
50 Lower La Noscea, La Noscea
50 Eastern La Noscea, La Noscea
50 Western La Noscea, La Noscea
50 Central Shroud, The Black Shroud
50 East Shroud, The Black Shroud
50 Eastern Thanalan, Thanalan
50 The Dravanian Forelands, Dravania
50 Moraby Bay, La Noscea Region: Lower La Noscea
50 Black Brush, Thanalan Region: Central Thanalan
50 The Burning Wall, Thanalan Region: Eastern Thanalan
50 Broken Water, Thanalan Region: Southern Thanalan
50 Bluefog, Thanalan Region: Northern Thanalan
50 Dragonhead, Coerthas Region: Coerthas Central Highlands
50 Riversmeet, Coerthas Region: Coerthas Western Highlands
50 Zephyr Drift, La Noscea Region: Middle La Noscea
50 Raincatcher Gully, La Noscea Region: Eastern La Noscea
50 Lower Paths, The Black Shroud Region: South Shroud
50 Hammerlea, Thanalan Region: Western Thanalan
50 Wellwick Wood, Thanalan Region: Eastern Thanalan
50 Dragonhead, Coerthas Region: Coerthas Central Highlands
50 North Silvertear, Mor Dhona
50 Zephyr Drift, La Noscea Region: Middle La Noscea
50 Bloodshore, La Noscea Region: Eastern La Noscea
50 Bronze Lake, La Noscea Region: Upper La Noscea
50 Greentear, The Black Shroud Region: Central Shroud
50 Upper Paths, The Black Shroud Region: South Shroud
50 Alder Springs, The Black Shroud Region: North Shroud
50 Dragonhead, Coerthas Region: Coerthas Central Highlands
50 North Silvertear, Mor Dhona
50 Cedarwood, La Noscea Region: Lower La Noscea
50 Bloodshore, La Noscea Region: Eastern La Noscea
50 Quarterstone, La Noscea Region: Western La Noscea
50 Sorrel Haven, The Black Shroud Region: Central Shroud
50 The Honey Yard, The Black Shroud Region: East Shroud
50 Drybone, Thanalan Region: Eastern Thanalan
50 Chocobo Forest, Dravania Region: The Dravanian Forelands

9389 420 420 369 411 1,369,081 3,707 2.50

Current Prices

Price History

Masamune Cross Server Data for Dark Matter Cluster on Mana

Anima 431 3,110 0 431 424 -62 420 531,419 1,251 6/16/22 5:17:12 AM
Asura 504 2,592 0 504 475 -135 480 85,990 181 6/16/22 3:31:02 AM
Chocobo 510 1,781 0 510 436 -141 480 296,220 679 6/16/22 9:04:09 AM
Hades 578 263 0 578 495 -209 600 270,870 547 6/16/22 3:15:41 AM
Ixion 462 590 0 462 410 -93 388 202,825 494 6/16/22 1:45:29 AM
Masamune 420 9,389 0 420 369 -51 411 1,369,081 3,707 10/3/23 9:43:26 AM
Pandaemonium 431 2,370 0 431 378 -62 415 238,538 631 6/16/22 12:54:20 AM
Titan 471 1,975 0 471 449 -102 490 211,728 471 6/16/22 8:55:51 AM