Integral Necklace of Crafting

Server: Mandragora

Last Updated: 6/9/22 12:27:28 PM
Search Category: Necklaces | Item Category: Necklace | Sell price to vendor: 296
More Information

Gathering info:

13 6,297 6,297 5,997 5,997 29,985 5 2.60

Level 89 Carpenter Recipe for Integral Necklace of Crafting

Wind Crystal 8 34 272 10/7/22 5:51:06 PM
Star Quartz 1 60 60 10/7/23 3:43:55 PM
Integral Lumber 1 788 788 2/20/23 1:40:33 PM
AR-Caean Velvet 1 425 425 6/15/22 4:25:33 PM
Dynamis Crystal 1 255 255 6/16/22 1:48:02 AM
Ice Crystal 8 36 288 6/15/22 9:03:31 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,088

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 12,912

Current Prices

Price History

Mandragora Cross Server Data for Integral Necklace of Crafting on Meteor

Ramuh 9,980 13 9,980 0 11,052 -3,983 9,989 221,054 20 12/11/22 12:45:18 PM
Unicorn 10,187 10 10,187 0 11,519 -4,190 11,000 57,599 5 6/9/23 8:58:28 PM
Valefor 10,500 20 12,600 10,500 10,400 -4,503 12,000 52,000 5 6/25/23 2:23:30 AM
Yojimbo 18,900 9 18,900 0 46,811 -12,903 1 234,055 5 6/9/22 11:16:38 AM
Zeromus 15,100 12 15,100 0 35,960 -9,103 12,326 719,212 20 7/12/22 1:39:39 PM
Belias 21,238 15 21,238 24,150 21,490 -15,241 20,026 214,904 10 6/11/22 6:06:56 PM
Mandragora 6,297 13 6,297 0 5,997 -300 5,997 29,985 5 6/9/22 12:27:28 PM
Shinryu 25,403 5 25,403 0 23,298 -19,406 22,000 116,493 5 6/9/22 11:57:01 AM