Katana of the Goddess

Server: Mandragora

Last Updated: 6/18/21 2:27:40 PM
Search Category: Samurai's Arms | Item Category: Samurai's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 385
More Information

Gathering info:

37 525 525 470 480 2,820 6 6.20

Level 60 Blacksmith Recipe for Katana of the Goddess

Cloud Mica Whetstone 1 704 704 6/14/22 5:17:49 PM
Fire Cluster 3 65 195 8/10/22 5:53:44 PM
High Mythrite Ingot 3 3,159 9,477 6/11/22 7:21:54 PM
Eikon Iron Ingot 2 683 1,366 5/4/23 8:26:20 AM
Demicrystal 5 115 575 6/10/22 10:52:48 AM
Sophic Bead Fragment 1 105 105 6/11/22 11:36:33 PM
Earth Cluster 2 13 26 6/16/22 1:48:10 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 12,448

Profit/Loss Normal = -9,063

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

High Mythrite Ingot
Fire Cluster
Earth Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Mandragora Cross Server Data for Katana of the Goddess on Meteor

Ramuh 825 23 94,500 825 560 -355 981 4,481 8 6/18/21 6:04:39 PM
Unicorn 3,385 12 32,000 3,385 3,600 -2,915 3,900 10,800 3 5/7/22 7:10:35 PM
Valefor 704 38 105,000 704 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 4:57:16 PM
Yojimbo 2,100 67 525,000 2,100 0 0 0 0 0 6/18/21 12:35:18 PM
Zeromus 1,040 23 10,500 1,040 826 -570 1,000 8,261 10 6/18/21 3:21:40 PM
Belias 350 31 0 350 450 120 401 901 2 6/18/21 8:44:45 PM
Mandragora 525 37 0 525 470 -55 480 2,820 6 6/18/21 2:27:40 PM
Shinryu 831 25 105,000 831 807 -361 800 8,070 10 6/18/21 1:40:54 PM