
Server: Mandragora

Last Updated: 6/15/21 2:35:33 AM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 6
More Information

Gathering info:

334 735 840 735 855 777 15,406 18 18.60

Level 61 Goldsmith Recipe for Triphane

Wind Crystal 3 34 102 10/7/22 5:51:06 PM
Raw Triphane 3 47 141 6/11/22 11:38:54 PM
Stiperstone 1 147 147 9/13/23 2:57:44 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 390

Profit/Loss Normal = 510

Profit/Loss HQ = 510

Current Prices

Price History

Mandragora Cross Server Data for Triphane on Meteor

Ramuh 2,100 40 4,200 2,100 512 -1,245 1,006 7,173 14 6/10/22 12:42:02 PM
Unicorn 835 125 837 835 753 20 790 12,050 16 6/10/22 12:15:34 PM
Valefor 1,100 60 1,300 1,100 628 -245 800 56,534 90 7/23/22 2:26:30 PM
Yojimbo 600 400 1,500 600 1,088 255 900 108,832 100 5/15/23 2:46:40 AM
Zeromus 735 152 735 735 708 120 700 8,500 12 6/10/22 11:19:08 AM
Belias 924 150 1,050 924 906 -69 506 21,758 24 6/9/22 4:13:14 PM
Mandragora 735 334 840 735 855 120 777 15,406 18 6/15/21 2:35:33 AM
Shinryu 1,260 104 1,260 1,260 1,088 -405 1,200 34,845 32 6/27/21 8:28:41 AM