Titanium Ingot

Server: Mandragora

Last Updated: 9/23/23 5:56:17 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

1271 1,365 1,680 1,365 1,458 1,900 32,093 22 57.80

Level 56 Blacksmith Recipe for Titanium Ingot

Titanium Nugget 1 819 819 6/11/22 6:49:48 AM
Cloud Mica 4 118 472 2/27/23 9:53:48 AM
Fire Crystal 5 42 210 2/14/23 2:49:44 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,501

Profit/Loss Normal = -6

Profit/Loss HQ = 399

Level 56 Armorer Recipe for Titanium Ingot

Titanium Nugget 1 819 819 6/11/22 6:49:48 AM
Cloud Mica 4 118 472 2/27/23 9:53:48 AM
Ice Crystal 5 36 180 6/15/22 9:03:31 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,471

Profit/Loss Normal = 24

Profit/Loss HQ = 429

60 Highland Chandelier
57 Titanium Longsword
58 Adamantite Broadsword
57 Titanium Knuckles
57 Titanium Battleaxe
56 Titanium Fork
57 Titanium Kris
57 Titanium Greatsword
60 Adamantite Greatsword
57 Titanium-barreled Snaphance
58 Adamantite Revolver
57 Hardsilver Planisphere
57 Titanium Hoplon
59 Adamantite Scutum
56 Titanium Helm of Fending
57 Titanium Cuirass of Fending
56 Titanium Vambraces of Fending
57 Titanium Sabatons of Fending
56 Titanium Mask of Maiming
58 Adamantite Helm of Maiming
57 Titanium Mail of Maiming
56 Titanium Vambraces of Maiming
57 Titanium Sollerets of Maiming
56 Titanium Headgear of Striking
58 Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking
57 Titanium Mail of Striking
59 Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking
56 Titanium Vambraces of Striking
58 Serpentskin Armguards of Striking
57 Titanium Sabatons of Striking
58 Chimerical Felt Cap of Aiming
59 Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Aiming
58 Serpentskin Armguards of Aiming
56 Titanium Headgear of Scouting
58 Chimerical Felt Cap of Scouting
57 Titanium Mail of Scouting
59 Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Scouting
56 Titanium Vambraces of Scouting
58 Serpentskin Armguards of Scouting
57 Titanium Sabatons of Scouting
59 Serpentskin Thighboots of Healing
59 Serpentskin Thighboots of Casting
57 Titanium Halfheart Saw
57 Titanium Lump Hammer
57 Titanium Raising Hammer
60 Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer
60 Aurum Regis Creasing Knife
57 Titanium Alembic
57 Mandragoras Frypan
57 Titanium Pickaxe
57 Hardsilver Hatchet
60 Expanse Barding
60 Falconer's Shirt
60 Wind-up Illuminatus
60 Falconer's Bottoms
60 Dinosaur Skull
60 Dinosaur Skeleton
60 Dinosaur Tailbone
57 Alpine Chandelier
60 Eikon Leather Armguards of Maiming
60 Eikon Leather Leg Guards of Maiming
60 Eikon Leather Armguards of Striking
60 Eikon Leather Leg Guards of Striking
60 Eikon Leather Armguards of Casting
60 Eikon Leather Boots of Casting
60 Carbonweave Vest of Gathering
60 Carbonweave Slops of Gathering
60 Carbonweave Apron of Crafting
60 Carbonweave Breeches of Crafting
56 Titanium Tachi
68 Hingan Mansion Roof (Kura-zukuri)
66 Hingan House Wall (Kura-zukuri)
66 Hingan Oven
58 Rarefied Titanium Vambraces
60 Rarefied Adamantite Scutum
60 Rarefied Chimerical Felt Cyclas

Current Prices

Price History

Mandragora Cross Server Data for Titanium Ingot on Meteor

Ramuh 1,574 405 1,574 1,574 0 0 0 0 0 3/4/23 8:00:29 PM
Unicorn 1,575 205 1,575 1,575 1,872 -117 1,900 279,050 149 6/16/22 8:25:57 AM
Valefor 2,200 565 2,206 2,200 2,251 -742 2,300 285,890 127 7/23/22 2:51:02 PM
Yojimbo 2,100 380 2,310 2,100 1,453 -642 1,200 61,065 42 6/13/22 8:29:47 PM
Zeromus 2,289 341 2,289 2,520 1,040 -831 1,200 43,705 42 6/13/22 9:28:22 PM
Belias 1,889 178 2,100 1,889 2,078 -431 1,999 56,132 27 6/10/22 9:43:30 AM
Mandragora 1,365 1,271 1,680 1,365 1,458 93 1,900 32,093 22 9/23/23 5:56:17 AM
Shinryu 735 58 1,785 735 1,828 723 1,200 12,800 7 6/13/22 8:54:10 PM