Ra'Kaznar Raising Hammer

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 9/18/24 4:10:16 PM
Search Category: Armorer's Tools | Item Category: Armorer's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

20 14,999 36,984 14,999 34,888 36,983 697,778 20 1.00

Level 100 Blacksmith Recipe for Ra'Kaznar Raising Hammer

Earth Crystal 8 55 440 3/12/25 5:12:28 PM
Titanium Gold Nugget 1 0 0
Ra'Kaznar Ingot 2 975 1,950 10/2/24 3:43:58 PM
Claro Walnut Lumber 2 0 0
Fire Crystal 8 69 552 3/12/25 5:11:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,942

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 34,041

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Ra'Kaznar Raising Hammer on Crystal

Coeurl 25,650 23 25,650 0 58,670 9,238 25,650 704,042 12 10/21/24 5:23:40 AM
Diabolos 15,001 12 16,393 15,001 19,761 19,887 16,287 335,947 17 10/21/24 12:53:37 AM
Malboro 14,999 20 36,984 14,999 34,888 19,889 36,983 697,778 20 9/18/24 4:10:16 PM
Mateus 30,000 15 69,909 30,000 152,466 4,888 69,936 609,867 4 10/27/24 2:37:27 AM