Varsity Skirt

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/18/23 12:40:17 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

30 247,998 247,998 248,011 283,888 277,666 851,666 3 10.00

Level 90 Weaver Recipe for Varsity Skirt

Wind Cluster 3 8 24 3/12/25 5:13:04 PM
Lightning Cluster 3 96 288 3/12/25 5:13:14 PM
AR-Caean Velvet 3 1,000 3,000 2/11/25 4:28:43 PM
Exciting Fiber 1 98,999 98,999 10/12/24 10:49:36 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 102,311

Profit/Loss Normal = -17,261

Profit/Loss HQ = -18,311

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Varsity Skirt on Crystal

Balmung 1,158,900 8 1,159,000 1,158,900 1,189,801 -875,012 1,160,000 16,657,225 14 8/20/22 2:04:58 AM
Coeurl 57,749 6 163,800 57,749 51,799 226,139 54,998 258,995 5 2/20/23 12:08:08 AM
Goblin 47,249 16 47,249 47,250 60,582 236,639 44,997 363,492 6 9/16/23 8:43:56 PM
Zalera 49,233 10 208,949 49,233 50,148 234,655 37,000 501,483 10 2/21/23 3:37:35 PM
Brynhildr 42,000 9 44,099 42,000 38,199 241,888 27,000 381,998 10 2/27/23 2:21:37 AM
Diabolos 44,498 9 44,498 44,499 45,248 239,390 47,000 452,480 10 4/25/24 8:49:22 PM
Malboro 247,998 30 247,998 248,011 283,888 35,890 277,666 851,666 3 4/18/23 12:40:17 PM
Mateus 47,029 21 73,500 47,029 44,793 236,859 44,700 492,730 11 2/28/23 5:04:59 AM