Shallows Cod

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 6/9/23 6:41:38 PM
Search Category: Seafood | Item Category: Seafood | Sell price to vendor: 8
More Information

Gathering info:

873 116 116 120 150 36,417 303 2.90

Current Prices

116 23 2,668
125 99 12,375
126 99 12,474
126 99 12,474
137 99 13,563
137 48 6,576
153 15 2,295
158 30 4,740
179 15 2,685
210 7 1,470
Showing 1 to 10 of 18 entries

Price History

150 3 450 Sif Darkmoon 2023-06-09 01:54:42
109 3 327 Arianto D'sair 2023-06-09 00:13:38
120 99 11,880 Kaelon Kusanagi 2023-06-08 05:12:50
120 99 11,880 Kaelon Kusanagi 2023-06-08 05:12:45
120 99 11,880 Kaelon Kusanagi 2023-06-08 05:12:42
684 3 2,052 Matriarch Alexandria 2023-04-24 02:43:56
4,000 1 4,000 Matriarch Alexandria 2023-04-24 02:41:28
696 96 66,816 Glorion Puddlejumper 2023-04-23 00:39:19
1,444 14 20,216 Eric Dinglefart 2023-04-18 20:36:04
485 12 5,820 Iuna Resca 2023-04-18 01:03:36
Showing 1 to 10 of 220 entries

Malboro Cross Server Data for Shallows Cod on Crystal