Palm Syrup

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 2/21/25 5:32:35 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 4
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Gathering info:

82 The Great Work, Ilsabard Region: Thavnair

1210 999 999 392 450 609,120 1,552 0.80
82 Palm Sugar

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Palm Syrup on Crystal

Balmung 649 1,751 0 649 496 -257 743 272,309 548 9/17/24 5:46:50 AM
Coeurl 388 2,004 0 388 351 4 391 739,214 2,102 4/30/23 1:02:32 AM
Goblin 54 2,629 0 54 351 338 52 348,444 991 6/24/24 5:30:04 AM
Zalera 100 2,335 0 100 288 292 273 186,091 645 9/17/24 5:50:19 AM
Brynhildr 400 78 0 400 232 -8 800 415,107 1,789 4/24/23 11:34:52 PM
Diabolos 274 2,237 0 274 351 118 315 222,943 634 9/16/24 5:59:36 AM
Malboro 999 1,210 0 999 392 -607 450 609,120 1,552 2/21/25 5:32:35 AM
Mateus 324 1,627 0 324 301 68 323 263,978 875 9/17/24 5:48:55 AM