Northern Sea Salt

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 9/25/24 1:14:57 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

827 404 750 404 1,362 1,149 333,815 245 3.40

Level 81 Culinarian Recipe for Northern Sea Salt

Sharlayan Rock Salt 6 500 3,000 2/21/25 5:02:53 AM
Fire Crystal 8 72 576 2/21/25 7:25:22 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 3,576

Profit/Loss Normal = -788

Profit/Loss HQ = -442

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Northern Sea Salt on Crystal

Balmung 846 405 849 846 580 516 1,097 148,509 256 9/18/24 8:04:06 AM
Coeurl 650 1,240 990 650 845 712 800 459,227 543 7/2/22 3:36:02 PM
Goblin 499 254 999 499 749 863 774 328,487 438 3/2/23 11:56:28 PM
Zalera 511 818 523 511 588 851 900 121,180 206 3/1/23 7:34:47 AM
Brynhildr 1,099 290 1,099 16,129,032 445 263 998 425,733 955 2/1/24 5:31:35 PM
Diabolos 1,495 465 1,500 1,495 1,778 -133 1,976 880,370 495 8/7/23 3:54:37 AM
Malboro 404 827 750 404 1,362 958 1,149 333,815 245 9/25/24 1:14:57 AM
Mateus 1,420 94 0 1,420 602 -58 1,458 547,245 909 2/24/23 9:41:56 PM