Leafy Ceiling Lamp

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 8/3/23 4:38:04 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Ceiling Light | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

18 5,555 5,555 7,492 12,109 142,348 19 0.90

Level 86 Alchemist Recipe for Leafy Ceiling Lamp

Lightning Crystal 8 68 544 3/12/25 5:12:40 PM
Water Crystal 8 59 472 8/5/23 7:43:41 AM
Starch Glue 2 1,000 2,000 9/24/24 7:54:20 PM
Growth Formula Kappa 2 1,999 3,998 11/6/23 11:39:49 PM
Ironwood Lumber 6 2,885 17,310 10/5/24 6:46:56 AM
Shroud Seedling 3 9,000 27,000 4/18/23 3:52:57 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 51,324

Profit/Loss Normal = -50,324

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Leafy Ceiling Lamp on Crystal

Balmung 10,290 53 0 10,290 14,071 -2,798 9,894 309,564 22 2/24/23 7:40:37 AM
Coeurl 7,940 21 0 7,940 8,753 -448 8,000 175,073 20 9/17/22 6:45:13 PM
Goblin 40,839 22 0 40,839 36,808 -33,347 30,150 184,041 5 2/25/23 1:57:13 PM
Zalera 6,615 32 0 6,615 6,329 877 6,349 31,649 5 6/15/22 3:13:22 PM
Brynhildr 5,122 22 0 5,122 5,038 2,370 5,120 50,381 10 12/29/23 2:01:42 AM
Diabolos 9,607 29 0 9,607 8,995 -2,115 9,145 134,932 15 2/27/23 2:49:37 PM
Malboro 5,555 18 0 5,555 7,492 1,937 12,109 142,348 19 8/3/23 4:38:04 PM
Mateus 31,488 19 0 31,488 28,997 -23,996 29,000 144,986 5 2/27/23 3:50:08 PM