Classical Signifer's Culottes

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 1/14/24 11:38:23 AM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 650
More Information

Gathering info:

16 24,999 41,999 24,999 24,926 24,910 149,560 6 2.70

Level 90 Weaver Recipe for Classical Signifer's Culottes

Wind Cluster 3 8 24 3/12/25 5:13:04 PM
Lightning Cluster 3 96 288 3/12/25 5:13:14 PM
AR-Caean Velvet 1 1,000 1,000 2/11/25 4:28:43 PM
Golden Silk 3 90 270 10/29/23 12:37:13 AM
Endwood Aethersand 1 14 14 9/18/24 2:56:26 PM
Grade 6 Intelligence Alkahest 2 1,234 2,468 1/1/24 8:23:08 PM
Amynodon Leather 2 200 400 2/11/25 4:28:34 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,464

Profit/Loss Normal = 20,446

Profit/Loss HQ = 35,536

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Classical Signifer's Culottes on Crystal

Balmung 41,790 10 52,499 41,790 39,795 -16,864 39,799 119,387 3 6/24/23 3:57:06 AM
Coeurl 94,395 11 105,751 94,395 82,712 -69,469 100,000 330,850 4 5/30/23 12:18:58 AM
Goblin 63,000 7 0 63,000 87,899 -38,074 72,000 439,495 5 6/27/23 7:23:49 AM
Zalera 95,479 6 95,479 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/30/23 3:05:36 AM
Brynhildr 32,708 23 33,594 32,708 30,896 -7,782 29,250 154,483 5 6/10/23 7:59:09 PM
Diabolos 26,250 7 0 26,250 54,047 -1,324 44,444 108,094 2 6/13/23 7:25:01 AM
Malboro 24,999 16 41,999 24,999 24,926 -73 24,910 149,560 6 1/14/24 11:38:23 AM
Mateus 53,183 15 53,550 53,183 59,348 -28,257 50,995 178,045 3 6/13/23 12:50:58 AM