Calfskin Rider's Gloves

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 6/29/23 11:38:07 AM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

5 568,998 569,965 568,998 572,995 568,987 1,718,987 3 1.70

Level 80 Leatherworker Recipe for Calfskin Rider's Gloves

Wind Crystal 7 66 462 2/11/25 11:51:24 PM
Earth Crystal 7 0 0 2/11/24 9:48:07 PM
Duskcourt Cloth 3 4,900 14,700 4/17/23 1:33:38 PM
Calf Leather 1 421,999 421,999 10/14/24 6:01:42 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 437,161

Profit/Loss Normal = 131,826

Profit/Loss HQ = 130,839

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Calfskin Rider's Gloves on Crystal

Balmung 747,689 12 777,690 747,689 789,724 -174,694 777,690 2,369,172 3 7/22/22 5:52:30 PM
Coeurl 464,999 6 774,949 464,999 464,718 107,996 464,001 2,788,308 6 10/13/22 9:52:40 PM
Goblin 439,995 4 500,000 439,995 459,496 133,000 439,994 1,837,987 4 12/17/22 9:48:03 PM
Zalera 325,185 14 325,185 325,290 311,067 247,810 309,900 2,799,611 9 2/25/23 12:07:10 AM
Brynhildr 472,500 3 472,500 472,500 415,721 100,495 450,000 3,741,494 9 6/14/22 3:55:56 AM
Diabolos 360,000 6 390,500 360,000 338,099 212,995 357,500 2,366,695 7 10/12/22 7:23:04 PM
Malboro 568,998 5 569,965 568,998 572,995 3,997 568,987 1,718,987 3 6/29/23 11:38:07 AM
Mateus 505,199 7 505,200 505,199 548,153 67,796 502,000 4,933,377 9 1/25/23 5:06:56 PM