Patrician's Coatee

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/18/23 1:18:26 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 99
More Information

Gathering info:

10 18,999 18,999 16,937 18,999 338,754 20 0.50

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Patrician's Coatee

Wind Shard 6 63 378 3/12/25 5:11:12 PM
Electrum Ingot 1 1,300 1,300 9/30/24 7:27:51 AM
Undyed Felt 2 2,200 4,400 4/18/23 12:35:13 PM
Linen Yarn 1 101 101 9/28/24 5:33:41 AM
Woolen Yarn 2 725 1,450 6/6/23 2:01:56 AM
Lightning Shard 6 62 372 7/28/23 12:05:38 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,001

Profit/Loss Normal = 17,999

Profit/Loss HQ = 20,995

Desynthesizes into:

Electrum Ingot
Lightning Shard
Wind Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Patrician's Coatee on Crystal

Balmung 62,999 1 62,999 0 48,497 -46,062 59,999 484,978 10 2/25/23 11:26:29 AM
Coeurl 7,350 12 31,290 7,350 27,582 9,587 29,950 248,246 9 2/27/23 7:16:36 AM
Goblin 38,848 4 50,399 38,848 35,998 -21,911 36,997 503,983 14 2/28/23 11:56:45 PM
Zalera 34,900 1 34,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/1/23 11:49:24 AM
Brynhildr 24,149 2 24,149 0 17,610 -7,212 109 176,105 10 2/21/23 3:59:19 PM
Diabolos 77,689 4 77,689 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/15/23 8:58:08 AM
Malboro 18,999 10 18,999 0 16,937 -2,062 18,999 338,754 20 4/18/23 1:18:26 AM
Mateus 20,999 13 20,999 29,400 19,589 -4,062 19,999 97,948 5 6/10/22 10:21:15 AM