Factory Wall Lamp

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/1/24 2:43:05 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

11 1,999 1,999 4,365 1,998 69,842 16 0.70

Level 80 Blacksmith Recipe for Factory Wall Lamp

Earth Crystal 7 0 0 2/11/24 9:48:07 PM
Crystal Glass 2 1,950 3,900 5/5/24 2:55:38 AM
Dwarven Mythril Ingot 6 1,500 9,000 10/2/24 6:29:03 AM
Weathering Agent 1 35,000 35,000 4/18/23 12:58:35 PM
Fire Crystal 7 72 504 2/21/25 7:25:22 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 48,404

Profit/Loss Normal = -46,406

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Factory Wall Lamp on Crystal

Balmung 5,240 26 0 5,240 5,839 -875 2,199 29,197 5 5/31/23 4:42:36 PM
Coeurl 3,498 18 0 3,498 3,072 867 3,490 43,017 14 6/18/23 10:49:10 PM
Goblin 2,540 26 0 2,540 2,277 1,825 2,200 11,388 5 6/6/23 11:56:02 AM
Zalera 2,098 39 0 2,098 0 0 0 0 0 5/19/23 6:25:07 AM
Brynhildr 8,190 11 0 8,190 0 0 0 0 0 6/6/23 9:48:13 AM
Diabolos 15,999 11 0 15,999 16,079 -11,634 19,500 96,476 6 4/2/24 1:34:03 AM
Malboro 1,999 11 0 1,999 4,365 2,366 1,998 69,842 16 4/1/24 2:43:05 AM
Mateus 20,685 25 0 20,685 19,410 -16,320 19,794 174,693 9 5/21/23 11:57:12 PM