Brick Garden Wall

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/17/23 1:24:22 AM
Search Category: Outdoor Furnishings | Item Category: Outdoor Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 57
More Information

Gathering info:

29 3,989 3,989 5,353 5,499 58,893 11 2.60

Level 80 Alchemist Recipe for Brick Garden Wall

Lightning Crystal 7 68 476 3/12/25 5:12:40 PM
Water Crystal 7 59 413 8/5/23 7:43:41 AM
Oldrose Seeds 2 8,166 16,332 6/23/23 8:57:48 PM
Viola Seeds 2 499 998 4/18/23 12:49:05 PM
Growth Formula Kappa 4 1,999 7,996 11/6/23 11:39:49 PM
Humus 2 100 200 4/17/23 4:35:46 PM
Firebricks 10 500 5,000 4/17/23 2:23:48 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 31,415

Profit/Loss Normal = -30,082

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Brick Garden Wall on Crystal

Balmung 8,000 20 0 8,000 3,723 -2,647 7,957 74,472 20 5/19/22 1:31:38 PM
Coeurl 12,998 9 0 12,998 4,599 -7,645 12,955 91,981 20 11/4/22 4:49:09 AM
Goblin 45,000 14 0 45,000 0 0 0 0 0 2/19/23 8:02:53 PM
Zalera 8,400 22 0 8,400 12,999 -3,047 8,999 129,997 10 6/11/22 2:00:11 PM
Brynhildr 6,140 15 0 6,140 7,330 -787 7,995 21,992 3 2/23/23 12:07:22 PM
Diabolos 2,999 36 0 2,999 4,558 2,354 3,999 22,793 5 11/3/22 10:50:49 PM
Malboro 3,989 29 0 3,989 5,353 1,364 5,499 58,893 11 4/17/23 1:24:22 AM
Mateus 28,798 12 0 28,798 27,311 -23,445 28,999 327,743 12 5/20/22 5:36:27 AM