Night Vinegar

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 10/30/23 5:30:03 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

1016 198 340 198 374 379 35,998 96 10.60

Level 75 Culinarian Recipe for Night Vinegar

Royal Grapes 5 345 1,725 2/21/25 5:53:18 AM
Fire Crystal 7 69 483 3/12/25 5:11:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,208

Profit/Loss Normal = -338

Profit/Loss HQ = -357

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Night Vinegar on Crystal

Balmung 624 404 624 840 1,071 -250 1,242 66,432 62 6/25/23 5:37:41 PM
Coeurl 630 18 630 0 459 -256 499 49,616 108 6/24/23 1:58:51 AM
Goblin 50 235 50 90 99 324 40 23,150 233 2/7/24 9:18:15 AM
Zalera 735 83 735 0 521 -361 599 36,496 70 6/25/23 8:49:56 PM
Brynhildr 899 87 899 899 916 -525 1,000 202,543 221 9/23/24 2:11:21 AM
Diabolos 49 835 390 49 253 325 286 35,446 140 2/7/24 9:33:31 AM
Malboro 198 1,016 340 198 374 176 379 35,998 96 10/30/23 5:30:03 PM
Mateus 304 556 304 420 461 70 444 70,642 153 5/25/23 1:57:57 PM