Garden Beet Sugar

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/17/23 2:41:44 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

949 749 750 749 1,232 744 899,743 730 1.30

Level 72 Culinarian Recipe for Garden Beet Sugar

Garden Beet 5 200 1,000 5/29/23 6:48:48 PM
Fire Crystal 6 72 432 2/21/25 7:25:22 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,432

Profit/Loss Normal = 268

Profit/Loss HQ = 217

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Garden Beet Sugar on Crystal

Balmung 1,050 60 1,365 1,050 519 182 1,400 352,510 679 2/24/23 7:41:05 AM
Coeurl 450 846 450 495 1,110 782 800 314,292 283 6/15/24 3:30:06 PM
Goblin 79 2,119 80 79 150 1,153 130 117,235 780 5/27/23 4:21:19 PM
Zalera 221 1,004 250 221 343 1,011 239 230,578 671 6/18/24 5:42:58 PM
Brynhildr 400 259 400 400 398 832 390 370,546 931 1/1/24 4:17:38 PM
Diabolos 683 683 683 683 937 549 2,000 281,378 300 2/20/23 9:59:51 PM
Malboro 749 949 750 749 1,232 483 744 899,743 730 4/17/23 2:41:44 PM
Mateus 415 556 473 415 0 0 0 0 0 9/23/23 4:45:11 PM