Petalite Bracelet of Casting

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/18/23 1:24:50 AM
Search Category: Bracelets | Item Category: Bracelets | Sell price to vendor: 288
More Information

Gathering info:

6 34,316 34,316 36,297 34,998 290,379 8 0.80

Level 79 Goldsmith Recipe for Petalite Bracelet of Casting

Wind Crystal 7 67 469 3/12/25 5:12:20 PM
Manasilver Nugget 1 711 711 10/21/24 1:42:18 AM
Dwarven Mythril Nugget 1 1,012 1,012 9/27/24 1:04:30 AM
Petalite 2 2,350 4,700 10/6/24 11:19:59 AM
Grade 1 Intelligence Alkahest 1 30 30 9/26/23 10:54:57 AM
Fire Crystal 7 69 483 3/12/25 5:11:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,405

Profit/Loss Normal = 7,883

Profit/Loss HQ = 27,593

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Petalite Bracelet of Casting on Crystal

Balmung 20,000 5 44,990 20,000 23,083 16,297 25,777 92,334 4 5/21/22 12:57:16 AM
Coeurl 15,500 7 15,500 0 21,094 20,797 18,199 42,189 2 2/3/22 6:38:01 PM
Goblin 37,000 7 37,000 37,000 0 0 0 0 0 1/2/23 12:28:33 AM
Zalera 36,068 3 36,068 0 34,463 229 34,349 172,315 5 5/13/23 5:55:09 AM
Brynhildr 35,700 3 35,700 0 25,999 597 10,000 77,998 3 4/29/23 5:21:34 AM
Diabolos 39,990 2 39,990 0 33,659 -3,693 9,999 201,959 6 6/30/22 10:35:18 PM
Malboro 34,316 6 34,316 0 36,297 1,981 34,998 290,379 8 4/18/23 1:24:50 AM
Mateus 14,999 12 14,999 0 31,628 21,298 14,975 126,513 4 7/20/21 12:44:36 AM