Smilodonskin Codex

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 5/30/23 3:24:01 PM
Search Category: Scholar's Arms | Item Category: Scholar's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 621
More Information

Gathering info:

2 49,350 120,225 49,350 49,920 49,999 299,524 6 0.30

Level 71 Alchemist Recipe for Smilodonskin Codex

Lightning Crystal 5 68 340 3/12/25 5:12:40 PM
Water Crystal 6 59 354 8/5/23 7:43:41 AM
Palladium Nugget 2 785 1,570 9/24/24 8:42:31 PM
White Oak Lumber 1 689 689 10/8/24 3:55:02 PM
Smilodon Leather 1 375 375 10/14/24 4:05:01 PM
Enchanted Truegold Ink 1 100 100 10/21/23 6:24:26 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,428

Profit/Loss Normal = 44,572

Profit/Loss HQ = 44,072

Desynthesizes into:

Water Crystal
Lightning Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Smilodonskin Codex on Crystal

Balmung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/23/23 9:51:42 PM
Coeurl 78,509 6 78,509 0 78,525 -28,589 78,513 392,625 5 9/6/22 4:47:49 PM
Goblin 40,824 3 40,824 0 36,284 9,096 38,850 181,423 5 6/14/22 5:36:29 AM
Zalera 34,989 8 34,989 0 55,440 14,931 55,440 55,440 1 3/17/22 3:01:43 AM
Brynhildr 41,990 3 41,990 0 24,410 7,930 9,000 122,052 5 6/14/22 3:57:00 AM
Diabolos 59,200 3 59,200 0 56,359 -9,280 59,200 281,799 5 10/12/22 7:51:45 PM
Malboro 49,350 2 120,225 49,350 49,920 570 49,999 299,524 6 5/30/23 3:24:01 PM
Mateus 10,500 6 10,500 45,465 14,396 39,420 9,998 71,984 5 6/14/22 4:17:32 AM