Steppe Kitchen

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 5/31/23 11:47:11 AM
Search Category: Tables | Item Category: Table | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

9 56,795 56,795 49,997 54,000 399,978 8 1.10

Level 55 Carpenter Recipe for Steppe Kitchen

Wind Crystal 4 66 264 2/11/25 11:51:24 PM
Dark Chestnut Lumber 4 1,800 7,200 9/28/24 5:07:50 AM
Darksteel Ingot 2 4,410 8,820 9/13/23 5:41:33 AM
Granite 5 400 2,000 6/17/24 9:56:05 PM
Cut Stone 3 200 600 10/24/23 5:52:41 PM
Cobalt Joint Plate 2 1,896 3,792 8/5/23 8:42:42 AM
Felt Lining 2 34 68 10/21/23 6:20:38 PM
Ice Crystal 4 40 160 8/5/23 7:42:29 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 22,904

Profit/Loss Normal = 21,496

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Cobalt Joint Plate
Wind Crystal
Ice Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Steppe Kitchen on Crystal

Balmung 49,350 19 0 49,350 59,964 647 62,998 239,858 4 6/9/23 8:50:07 AM
Coeurl 50,484 15 0 50,484 54,996 -487 49,998 274,982 5 5/21/23 7:27:13 AM
Goblin 18,899 25 0 18,899 29,469 31,098 18,500 117,879 4 6/10/23 6:38:35 AM
Zalera 31,590 12 0 31,590 22,668 18,407 30,075 113,344 5 6/11/23 1:59:19 AM
Brynhildr 30,145 10 0 30,145 27,257 19,852 28,999 136,287 5 6/20/23 10:32:02 PM
Diabolos 15,225 17 0 15,225 18,374 34,772 19,000 73,499 4 6/12/23 3:55:38 AM
Malboro 56,795 9 0 56,795 49,997 -6,798 54,000 399,978 8 5/31/23 11:47:11 AM
Mateus 50,400 9 0 50,400 43,657 -403 49,600 218,285 5 9/15/23 12:45:40 AM