Quaintrelle's Ruffled Skirt

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 4/18/23 1:56:20 AM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

31 99,998 99,998 110,000 125,829 100,000 1,132,462 9 3.40

Level 70 Weaver Recipe for Quaintrelle's Ruffled Skirt

Wind Cluster 2 10 20 2/18/25 8:01:00 AM
Lightning Cluster 2 140 280 4/19/24 3:52:44 PM
Twinthread 1 194 194 11/3/23 1:14:12 AM
True Linen 2 1,500 3,000 10/2/24 3:42:38 PM
Cloth Cointe Quaint 2 5,555 11,110 4/17/23 11:49:40 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 14,604

Profit/Loss Normal = 85,290

Profit/Loss HQ = 85,289

Desynthesizes into:

Lightning Cluster
Wind Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Quaintrelle's Ruffled Skirt on Crystal

Balmung 131,229 30 131,229 131,240 123,610 -5,400 124,979 1,236,106 10 6/16/22 7:03:08 AM
Coeurl 83,785 12 83,785 84,000 88,735 42,044 79,794 1,153,566 13 2/27/23 3:19:01 PM
Goblin 120,750 22 120,750 120,750 142,877 5,079 114,000 1,428,775 10 2/27/23 1:24:26 PM
Zalera 58,800 24 65,099 58,800 63,599 67,029 55,999 1,271,996 20 2/27/23 12:43:26 PM
Brynhildr 120,000 4 120,000 250,000 92,779 5,829 120,000 1,855,581 20 10/29/23 4:19:35 AM
Diabolos 59,499 16 59,500 59,499 63,573 66,330 50,000 826,458 13 4/27/24 8:57:24 PM
Malboro 99,998 31 99,998 110,000 125,829 25,831 100,000 1,132,462 9 4/18/23 1:56:20 AM
Mateus 105,000 5 120,750 105,000 97,960 20,829 99,900 587,765 6 2/27/23 2:37:52 PM