Koppranickel Ingot

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 9/20/23 6:55:38 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 10
More Information

Gathering info:

48 200 205 200 228 500 6,860 30 1.60

Level 62 Goldsmith Recipe for Koppranickel Ingot

Wind Crystal 3 66 198 2/11/25 11:51:24 PM
Koppranickel Nugget 1 800 800 9/18/24 3:07:50 PM
Koppranickel Ore 4 183 732 5/31/23 6:40:20 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,730

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,230

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,450

63 Folded High Steel Knuckles
63 High Steel Kris
63 Folded High Steel Greatsword
63 High Steel-barreled Snaphance
62 Larch Wand
63 Koppranickel Pole
62 Gyuki Leather Grimoire
62 Gyuki Leather Codex
63 Dual-plated Koppranickel Planisphere
63 Koppranickel Rapier
63 Koppranickel Temple Chain
62 Gyuki Leather Dress Gloves
63 Koppranickel Earrings of Fending
63 Koppranickel Earrings of Slaying
63 Koppranickel Earrings of Aiming
63 Koppranickel Earrings of Healing
63 Koppranickel Earrings of Casting
63 Koppranickel Necklace of Fending
63 Koppranickel Necklace of Slaying
63 Koppranickel Necklace of Aiming
63 Koppranickel Necklace of Healing
63 Koppranickel Necklace of Casting
62 Koppranickel Bracelet of Fending
62 Koppranickel Bracelet of Slaying
62 Koppranickel Bracelet of Aiming
62 Koppranickel Bracelet of Healing
62 Koppranickel Bracelet of Casting
62 Muudhorn Ring of Fending
62 Muudhorn Ring of Slaying
62 Muudhorn Ring of Aiming
62 Muudhorn Ring of Healing
62 Muudhorn Ring of Casting
65 Doman Iron Kite Shield
64 Doman Iron Gauntlets of Fending
64 Doman Iron Greaves of Fending
64 Doman Iron Gauntlets of Maiming
64 Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming
65 Tigerskin Tricorne of Striking
65 Kudzu Tunic of Striking
65 Tigerskin Tricorne of Aiming
65 Kudzu Tunic of Aiming
65 Tigerskin Tricorne of Scouting
65 Kudzu Tunic of Scouting
64 Tigerskin Armguards of Healing
64 Tigerskin Armguards of Casting
67 Dual-plated Durium Planisphere
63 Ruby Cotton Cap
63 Gyuki Leather Gloves of Gathering
63 Gyuki Leather Earrings
63 Gyuki Leather Choker
63 Gyuki Leather Wristband
63 Gyuki Leather Ring
63 Hingan Watchtower (Nanpu)
70 Odder Otter Chair
63 High Steel Bayonet
63 High Steel War Quoits
66 Rarefied Doman Iron Greaves
64 Rarefied Koppranickel Necklace

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Koppranickel Ingot on Crystal

Balmung 366 163 367 366 178 -138 390 28,894 162 2/27/23 4:55:52 PM
Coeurl 949 110 1,949 949 824 -721 995 40,403 49 10/19/24 8:31:19 AM
Goblin 485 67 700 485 1,457 -257 500 67,024 46 4/23/24 9:19:15 PM
Zalera 1,994 13 1,994 1,995 721 -1,766 800 12,979 18 9/13/23 11:53:45 AM
Brynhildr 207 59 207 208 875 21 177 20,127 23 2/28/23 7:38:40 AM
Diabolos 400 135 400 490 521 -172 475 17,733 34 5/1/24 3:08:16 PM
Malboro 200 48 205 200 228 28 500 6,860 30 9/20/23 6:55:38 AM
Mateus 1,400 28 1,400 1,400 1,387 -1,172 1,398 55,484 40 5/5/24 2:16:33 PM