Molybdenum Pickaxe

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 11/3/24 9:25:09 PM
Search Category: Miner's Tools | Item Category: Miner's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 621
More Information

Gathering info:

2 79,996 79,996 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 69 Blacksmith Recipe for Molybdenum Pickaxe

Earth Crystal 5 55 275 3/12/25 5:12:28 PM
Beetle Glue 1 798 798 11/6/23 8:45:28 PM
Zelkova Lumber 1 1,799 1,799 10/3/24 3:30:21 PM
Tama-hagane Ingot 1 600 600 9/27/23 6:23:33 AM
Molybdenum Ingot 3 1,000 3,000 4/17/23 10:59:05 PM
Fire Crystal 5 69 345 3/12/25 5:11:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 6,817

Profit/Loss Normal = 91,183

Profit/Loss HQ = 23,867

Desynthesizes into:

Fire Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Molybdenum Pickaxe on Crystal

Balmung 39,499 5 39,499 0 46,995 -39,499 46,995 46,995 1 3/11/22 2:52:59 PM
Coeurl 47,750 1 47,750 0 47,623 -47,750 47,748 190,494 4 11/19/21 12:01:56 PM
Goblin 30,621 10 32,000 30,621 45,889 -30,621 32,683 137,668 3 2/21/21 4:40:49 PM
Zalera 23,000 4 24,999 23,000 0 0 0 0 0 2/15/23 4:05:17 AM
Brynhildr 40,000 4 47,998 40,000 36,499 -40,000 36,499 72,998 2 2/11/22 1:37:37 PM
Diabolos 79,990 3 79,990 0 37,333 -79,990 39,999 111,999 3 10/12/22 8:09:49 PM
Malboro 79,996 2 79,996 0 0 0 0 0 0 11/3/24 9:25:09 PM
Mateus 112,000 3 112,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/9/22 9:08:53 PM