High Steel Awl

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 9/30/24 1:21:35 AM
Search Category: Leatherworker's Tools | Item Category: Leatherworker's Secondary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 428
More Information

Gathering info:

7 4,000 4,000 4,000 1,950 2,000 3,900 2 3.50

Level 62 Blacksmith Recipe for High Steel Awl

Earth Crystal 3 55 165 3/12/25 5:12:28 PM
Larch Lumber 1 499 499 10/14/24 4:40:06 AM
High Steel Ingot 2 200 400 9/18/24 3:09:18 PM
Bloodhempen Cloth 1 3,474 3,474 4/17/23 12:18:56 AM
Fire Crystal 3 69 207 3/12/25 5:11:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,745

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,745

Profit/Loss HQ = -745

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for High Steel Awl on Crystal

Balmung 1,605 6 36,750 1,605 1,527 345 1,527 3,054 2 6/14/23 2:54:53 PM
Coeurl 919 13 28,235 919 849 1,031 800 2,547 3 4/9/23 5:55:21 PM
Goblin 318 15 29,998 318 9,892 1,632 28,999 29,678 3 10/9/22 8:49:21 PM
Zalera 1,050 6 42,000 1,050 595 900 690 1,190 2 6/25/23 1:49:14 AM
Brynhildr 1,050 7 63,000 1,050 6,208 900 428 12,416 2 5/23/23 6:40:12 AM
Diabolos 1,363 10 15,750 1,363 6,269 587 14,990 18,808 3 6/19/23 10:54:37 AM
Malboro 4,000 7 4,000 4,000 1,950 -2,050 2,000 3,900 2 9/30/24 1:21:35 AM
Mateus 735 12 26,250 735 0 0 0 0 0 3/10/23 11:39:06 PM