Muudhorn Fishing Rod

Server: Malboro

Last Updated: 5/29/23 6:24:31 AM
Search Category: Fisher's Tools | Item Category: Fisher's Primary Tool | Sell price to vendor: 407
More Information

Gathering info:

12 7,350 32,002 7,350 4,123 7,247 8,247 2 6.00

Level 61 Carpenter Recipe for Muudhorn Fishing Rod

Wind Crystal 3 66 198 2/11/25 11:51:24 PM
Muud Suud Horn 1 1 1 10/28/23 7:49:48 PM
Beech Lumber 2 900 1,800 9/18/24 3:09:40 PM
High Steel Nugget 1 700 700 10/3/24 3:39:52 PM
Ice Crystal 2 40 80 8/5/23 7:42:29 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,779

Profit/Loss Normal = 221

Profit/Loss HQ = 47,221

Desynthesizes into:

Wind Crystal
Ice Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Malboro Cross Server Data for Muudhorn Fishing Rod on Crystal

Balmung 19,950 6 0 19,950 10,780 -15,827 1,700 53,900 5 6/20/23 1:17:28 AM
Coeurl 2,307 17 15,448 2,307 0 0 0 0 0 3/6/23 5:55:33 AM
Goblin 4,515 5 31,500 4,515 4,399 -392 4,399 4,399 1 6/19/23 6:59:07 AM
Zalera 103,949 3 113,400 103,949 34,081 -99,826 108,000 170,407 5 2/13/23 2:36:36 PM
Brynhildr 3,938 3 22,029 3,938 13,840 185 3,706 69,200 5 4/8/23 10:28:48 PM
Diabolos 10,500 7 99,750 10,500 3,129 -6,377 3,500 15,645 5 6/23/23 4:56:10 AM
Malboro 7,350 12 32,002 7,350 4,123 -3,227 7,247 8,247 2 5/29/23 6:24:31 AM
Mateus 3,013 13 16,800 3,013 2,250 1,110 2,000 4,500 2 5/20/23 2:49:13 AM